Annie Aldous

Annie Aldous
b. 20 December 1882
d.13 November 1954
"Windrush", Disley

never married

Annie Aldous
was the first child born 20th December 1882 to Frederick and Alice Ann. She was born in Hadfield, Derbyshire.

Auntie Freda said, "Annie was a clever girl, able to have a good education and attended college. She was a school teacher for many years and never married. She was kind but very firm and stern and often very critical, so that younger ones found her formidable. She was generous to her nieces and nephews. She was doubtless brought up in a Victorian way, with a kindly mother and a more austere and pre-occupied father."

Her nephew, Jack, remembers his Aunt Annie being horrified if anyone used incorrect grammar. When Jack was about ten years old, he remembers that he was sent on holiday with Aunts Annie and Alice to Glenridding in the Lake District. At the first mealtime, Jack, thinking that he was being helpful, passed his empty plate to the waitress and he got a lecture from Annie on bad table manners!

Alice and Annie lived together in Disley at “Windrush” until Annie’s passing.

Annie died 13th November 1954 at the age of seventy-one. Jack can still recall how horrified he was (and he still retains the image) of being taken to see his Aunt Annie “laid out” in her bed even though it was long after he had seen many corpses on the battlefield when he was much younger. Annie left all her relatives something in her Will.
